Tag: Capitalism

Capitalism and Democracy: Investors Prefer Stable Authoritarianism to “Dirty Democracy”

In this extended essay, I challenge recent political commentary claiming a mutually supportive relationship between capitalism and democracy, I shed light on the propaganda system surrounding such beliefs, and I argue that the Hong Kong protests stem from something deeper than defense of democracy – mainly capitalism at its core.

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Toy Story 4: Love as a violent disruption

Toy Story 4 doesn’t fit the formula of a typical love story that usually has a happy ending. That is just a romantic plot that capitalism uses over and over again! Instead, it ends with uncertainties. The theme of this film then is not what love can do for you; It is what you can do for love. Love, as captured by Toy Story 4, is a violent disruption to one’s life.

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Economists Should Promote Self-Esteem Through Non-Consumptive Means

Promoting self-esteem through non-consumptive means is more economic in the sense that it does not take as much energy and material throughput to achieve the same goal, nor does it come at the mental health cost of unrecognizably lowering self-esteem only to raise it back to a baseline level through the consumption of products.

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