Author: Nasak Pongsri

A forth-year economics student at Chulalongkorn University. His fields of interest include philosophy, history, economics, political theory, and classic literature.

A weaker State under globalization is a myth! : Conclusion and some reflections on the concept of “national interest”

Of all political concepts, “national interest” stands out as a very “spellbinding slogan,” and for this reason, one must be extremely cautious every time he hears the word. “Nation” or “nationhood” is a cultural-political construct, or “imagined community.” So one may further ask: By WHOM is the “national interest” imagined? That is, who gets to define and benefit from the “national interest,” and who does not?

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Toy Story 4: Love as a violent disruption

Toy Story 4 doesn’t fit the formula of a typical love story that usually has a happy ending. That is just a romantic plot that capitalism uses over and over again! Instead, it ends with uncertainties. The theme of this film then is not what love can do for you; It is what you can do for love. Love, as captured by Toy Story 4, is a violent disruption to one’s life.

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